Meta is planning to give its popular messaging application WhatsApp a facelift. The company is reportedly developing a number of new features, including UI changes, that will change the overall look of WhatsApp’s interface.
Photo credit: WABetaInfo
As usual, WABetaInfo has just revealed Meta’s plans for the next versions of its popular messaging application WhatsApp. According to information from the latest beta version of the application for Android, the American giant is preparing a visual overhaul that will change the design of the interface.
Specifically, WhatsApp will remove the green banner at the top of the pagea predominant green color theme, in both light and dark modes. We can also expect changes to the colors of the dialog bubbles and the floating action button, but also new icons.
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WhatsApp will change its design on Android
According to screenshots of the new version of the application captured by WABetaInfo, in dark mode the bottom bar is a slightly lighter gray than the rest of the interface, which helps distinguish it well from the list of chats and the conversations themselves. Over and beyond, Updates will bring refreshed chat bubbles for dark theme users and redesign the floating action button. We also note the absence of the three-dot menu, but it may return in a future version.
Other notable changes include an updated camera icon on the main chat screen and the Compared to previous versions, the icons for video calls, voice calls and camera have been replaced. The screenshots posted by WABetaInfo show these new icons in both light and dark modes.
Although these changes are being made to the Android app, observers have been quick to point them out iPhone users won’t be left behind. As a matter of fact, Similar improvements were found in the iOS betaaccording to WABetaInfo.
It now remains to be seen when WhatsApp will implement this new visual redesign in its Android application. As usual, this shouldn’t happen until the next few weeks, as the company needs to ensure good feedback from testers on the beta version. As a reminder, WhatsApp is also working on an iPad version of its application.