Plant Garden Menagerie – Definition and Explanations –


There Menagerie of the Jardin des Plantes After Schönbrunn, it is one of the oldest zoological parks in the world still open to the public.

It was officially opened on December 11, 1794 at the initiative of Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, professor of zoology (zoology (from the Greek terms ζoον, zoon, animal and…) at the National Museum of Natural History (The Approach) for observation and systematic Description of nature begins with…), by the transfer of animals from the royal menageries of Versailles and Raincy (which belonged to the Duke of Orléans) on April 26, 1794 and May 27, 1794, respectively, and by the transfer of animals from fairs private menageries and fairgrounds on a provisional basis from November 4, 1793.

It covers more than 5.5 hectares in the heart of the 5th arrondissement of Paris (Paris is a French city, capital of France and capital of the region…) and is part of the Jardin des Plantes that extends to the south; It is bordered by the street (The street is a traffic space in the city that serves living space and squares…) Cuvier in the northwest (The northwest is the direction between the northern and western directions. The northwest is …) and the Quay (The Quai is a cultural space in the town of Angers in the Maine-et-Loire department in…) Saint-Bernard (The Saint-Bernard is a breed of large mountain dogs, often trained as dogs by…) in the northeast ( The northeast is the direction halfway between the northern and eastern directions. The northeast…). It is subordinate to the Department of Ethology of the Museum (like the Vincennes Zoo) and presents to the public around a thousand large animals: 270 mammals of 50 species, 330 birds of 80 species, 200 reptiles of 50 species, 200 amphibians of 10 species, as well as 1,200 Invertebrates of around fifty species in the vivarium.

History of the Menagerie

Animal painter in the Jardin des Plantes in 1902.
L’Illustration magazine (August 1902).

Throughout its history, it has presented countless animal species, including the first giraffe introduced in France (Giraffa camelopardalis) (1826), elephants, brown and white bears, and seals.

During the Paris Commune in 1871, animals were eaten by besieged and starving Parisians.

For this purpose, numerous structures were built in the 19th and early 20th centuries, some of them sophisticated for the time, which replaced the basic enclosures and cages of the beginning: rotundas, bear pits, antics, wild animals, houses for birds of prey and birds’ prey. Reptiles, pheasants. The most successful of these is undoubtedly the large aviary, built in 1888 for the 1889 World’s Fair and still in use today.

In the mid-20th century, the Menagerie experienced a period of decline, which was followed by more modern zoological parks (Vincennes Zoo, Parc (A Parc is a closed natural area,[1] consisting of forests or meadows in which …) of Thoiry were located), was then contested by the anti-zoo movements, while practically no renovation could be carried out due to lack of funds (this was also the time when the Great Gallery of Zoology, now Evolution, was forced to close because it rained through the glass roof. The animals lived in facilities that were generally poorly maintained, often run down and cramped.

From the 1980s, a policy of renovation of the menagerie was introduced with several successive renovations (birds of prey aviaries, rotunda, house). ) of reptiles, etc.) and a net (The term Nette is a colloquial name given to several species in French…) The representation of small and medium-sized species is preferred (The average is a statistical measure used to characterize the elements of a Range of…) Size, generally little known and/or threatened with extinction (In general, the word extinction denotes an action that consists of wiping something out…) .

Plan of the Jardin des Plantes menagerie

Nature conservation and international cooperation

The largest species (elephant, giraffe, lion, tiger (Panthera tigris) is a carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae …), gorilla (Gorillas (Gorilla) form the largest genus of human-like primates. With eight…), chimpanzee (The The term chimpanzee today refers to two species of great apes that…) The bear, which could not be kept properly in small facilities and could not be expanded in the center of Paris, gradually left the menagerie between 1970 and 2000.

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Pair of orangutans.

It currently houses around 1,100 animals, mammals, reptiles and birds on 5.5 hectares. She has specialized in several animal groups: Among the mammals is the Przewalski’s horse (Przewalski’s horse (species Equus przewalskii or subspecies Equus ferus przewalskii…), the orangutan (L’orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), too written orangutan), a monkey…), various species of goat (mountain goat, takin (The takin (Budorcas taxicolor) is a goat cattle that is similar to the African wildebeest and lives…), bharal, ibex (the ibex or alpine ibex ).(Capra ibex, is a mammal of the order… of Ethiopia), small carnivores, rodents and cercopithecines; Among the birds, vultures and nocturnal birds of prey are well represented, as are pheasants and certain wading birds (spoonbills, ibises). , cranes, agamis and the very rare crested kagou); many reptiles (including giant tortoises over 100 years old), amphibians and insects (Insekten is a French-language journal of ecology and entomology aimed at a wide audience…) are bred in the reptile house and the vivarium.

A female (in biology female (from Latin “femella”, little woman, young woman) is the…) orangutan that was born in 1969 in Borneo (Borneo is an island in Southeast Asia (Insul India)) and settled there The menagerie since 1972 is the subject of a documentary film by Nicolas Philibert entitled Nénette, released on March 31, 2010.