Imaging: Towards ultra-bright light sources thanks to quasiparticles – Enerzine

An international team of researchers proposes a new approach to creating ultra-bright light sources by rethinking the basic principles of radiation physics. This approach could pave the way for major scientific and technological advances.

A research team fromInstituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Portugal,University of Rochesterof’University of California, Los AngelesAnd Laboratory of Applied Optics in France, published a study in Nature photonics. They propose using quasiparticles to create light sources that are just as powerful as the currently most advanced ones, but much smaller.

Quasiparticles are created by the synchronous movement of many electrons. They can move at any speed, even faster than light, and can withstand powerful forces, such as those found near a black hole.

The unique properties of quasiparticles

“The most fascinating aspect of quasiparticles is their ability to move in ways that would be forbidden by the physical laws of individual particles,” he says John Palastrosenior scientist at the Laboratory of Laser Energetics, assistant professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and associate professor at the Institute of Optics.

The scientists studied the unique properties of quasiparticles in plasmas using advanced computer simulations on supercomputers available through the European Joint Undertaking for High Performance Computing.

They see promising applications for quasiparticle-based light sources, includingnon-destructive imaging for detecting viruses, understanding biological processes such as photosynthesis, making computer chips and studying the behavior of matter on planets and stars.

A clear advantage over existing forms

“The flexibility is enormous,” he enthuses Bernardo Malaca, doctoral student at IST and lead author of the study. “Even if each electron performs relatively simple movements, the total radiation from all electrons can mimic that of a faster-than-light moving particle or an oscillating particle, even if locally there is not a single faster-than-light electron or an oscillating electron.” »

Quasi-particle-based light sources could have a significant advantage over existing forms such as free-electron lasers, which are rare and massive, making them impractical for most laboratories, hospitals and businesses.

With the theory proposed in the study, the Quasiparticles could produce incredibly bright light with just a short travel distance, potentially triggering far-reaching scientific and technological advances in laboratories around the world.


By rethinking the basic principles of radiation physics, an international team of researchers proposes a new way to create ultra-bright light sources using quasiparticles. This approach could pave the way for major scientific and technological advances and make these light sources more accessible to laboratories, hospitals and companies around the world.

For better understanding

What is a Quasiparticle?

A quasiparticle is a structure consisting of many electrons that move synchronously. They can move at any speed, even faster than light, and can withstand powerful forces.

What role do quasiparticles play in the creation of light sources?

Quasiparticles can be used to create light sources as powerful as the most modern ones today, but much smaller.

What are the possible applications of these light sources?

Promising applications of quasiparticle-based light sources include nondestructive imaging for virus detection, understanding biological processes such as photosynthesis, manufacturing computer chips, and studying the behavior of matter on planets and stars.

What are the advantages of light sources based on quasiparticles?

Quasi-particle-based light sources could have a significant advantage over existing forms such as free-electron lasers, which are rare and massive, making them impractical for most laboratories, hospitals and businesses.

What does the theory proposed in the study mean for the future?

With the theory proposed in the study, quasiparticles could generate incredibly bright light over even a short distance, potentially sparking far-reaching scientific and technological advances in laboratories around the world.

Caption: A team of scientists ran advanced computer simulations on supercomputers to propose a way to use quasiparticles to create ultra-bright light sources. (Image credit: Bernardo Malaca)

Article: “Coherence and superradiation from a plasma-based quasiparticle accelerator” – DOI: 10.1038/s41566-023-01311-z

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