A volcano without lava reveals the secrets of this planet – MétéoMédia

Published on October 25, 2023 at 10:00 p.m.

A volcano without lava is possible! On Pluto, it was previously believed that a spot on the surface was created by the impact of a meteorite. Instead, researchers discovered that it was a cryovolcano. Explanations.

What is a cryovolcano?

The surface of the planet Pluto, at the edge of the solar system, is generally covered in methane and nitrogen ice. But instead, the researchers discovered an area of ​​water ice and ammonia that could be a cryovolcano. For researchers, water ice and ammonia could be evidence of recent cryovolcanic activity and provide valuable clues about the planet’s structural composition. Cryovolcanism is a type of volcano that does not produce magma and is found elsewhere in the solar system. It consists of water, ammonia and methane. This discovery allows scientists to learn a lot about the internal composition of the frozen planet Pluto.

Possible extraterrestrial life?

There are many cryvolcanoes on icy moons, such as Ganymede and Titan. Cryovolcanic activity indicates possible pockets of liquid water beneath the surface that would represent significant water sources. Well, whoever says water says life! Under such conditions, extraterrestrial life could potentially develop.

Two possible cryovolcanoes on Pluto.

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